In case you have a site, a problem might always emerge and it does not automatically have to be connected to the hosting service. For instance, something can go wrong when you bring a software app up to date or some vital data can be modified or deleted incidentally. No matter what the nature of the problem might be, you’ll need to touch base with the respective customer service staff and request them to restore a backup or to help you resolve the problem that you’re confronting. How promptly they’ll do that will predetermine the time that your sites will be inaccessible. For given websites such as community portals or Internet shops, a lengthened inaccessibility too often means lost clients and money. That is why, it is quite important to use the services of a hosting company that offers not only a good client care service, but also a timely one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting

In case you are using any of our website hosting plans and you’ve got an enquiry or confront a certain problem, you can contact us 24/7 by submitting a technical support ticket or by writing an e-mail and we promise that you’ll receive a reply within the hour. In case the issue can be solved, we will do it before we reply to you, whereas if there’s something that you need to do on your end, we’ll give you all the needed info – what settings to check, what workable solutions to try, and so on. Usually, you’ll get a reply within maximum thirty minutes, which means that waiting for hours on end or even for more than a day to receive support is something unthinkable. Our one-hour response time guarantee applies to any query that you might have – general, billing or technical.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Due to the fact that we know precisely how crucial it is to get swift support, we promise that you’ll never need to wait around for more than one hour to obtain an answer to any support ticket that you send via your semi-dedicated server CP. As a matter of fact, you’ll seldom need to wait around for more than 20-30 minutes and this is valid for any enquiry irrespective of its nature – billing, general or technical. Also, our technical and client support team is on duty 24x7x365, so even in case you post a ticket during national holidays, you’ll invariably receive a blazing-fast reply, which will include the answer to a question, the solution to a problem or the information needed to resolve an issue yourself – in case there’s something that you have to do on your end. If you use our services, you’ll never have to waste a whole day awaiting a reply like you would with lots of other web hosting companies.