Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple server-side language, which lets you include text from a given source in a website. In the most typical scenario, the text from a single file is incorporated in a different one, giving a website the feeling it is dynamic. For example, if your website consists of ten pages, 5 of them can include the content of any kind of file, for example horoscope.txt. If you modify this text file, the modified content is going to appear on all of the five webpages, which will allow you to update your website faster and easier than if you had to change part of all 5 web pages. Server Side Includes is in some cases used to include the output of basic commands, scripts or functions as well - a hit counter that is displayed on the site, the current time and date or the customer's IP address. Any webpage that works by using SSI should have a unique extension - .shtml.

Server Side Includes in Website Hosting

All website hosting plans we provide support Server Side Includes, so that you can add dynamic components to your static website that you host on our cloud platform. By setting up a clear .htaccess file and typing in a couple of lines of code inside, you can activate SSI for a domain name or perhaps a subdomain. The file involved must be inside the specific folder where you will use SSI and you will discover the code within our Frequently Asked Questions section, so you don't need any coding expertise. The 24/7 technical support crew will also be capable to assist you with activating Server Side Includes if you are not certain how to proceed. You should also remember to modify the extension of all files that will utilize SSI from .html to .shtml and make certain that the links on your site point to the right files.

Server Side Includes in Semi-dedicated Servers

Server Side Includes may be enabled without any problem with each semi-dedicated server plan that we offer and the full process is going to take you only a minute and just a number of clicks. You can activate SSI by setting up a blank .htaccess file inside a domain name or subdomain root folder with the File Manager tool in your Hosting Control Panel or perhaps an FTP app of your preference, then incorporating a couple of lines of code, which you'll be capable to get out of the SSI article in our extensive Knowledgebase. The one thing remaining after that shall be to double-check if all pages that will make use of Server Side Includes are renamed from .html to .shtml and also to edit backlinks to different pages on your site, in order to reflect the changes in the file extensions.